Wednesday 7 September 2011

Home for a Rest

It’s official – I am in desperate need of a vacation from my vacation.  Can it even be called a vacation if you were busier during your vacation then you are normally?  Ok, so it was a shit-load of fun too, but that doesn’t mean I am not exhausted now.  That being said, I have decided to fill you in on my amazingly-awesome, super-fantastic vaca in true Mommyland fashion – with a vacation Mommy-mix. 
If you missed out on our previous Mommy-mix, it involves taking a song and re-writing the lyrics to better reflect reality as it is in Mommyland.  So in this case I took the classic Canadian drinking song “Home for a Rest” and changed the lyrics to describe my vacation.  In this case, I have left the chorus the same, because it already described my vacation perfectly, which is why I chose this song.  If you are not familiar with this song make sure to check out the video first before reading my new lyrics so you can experience the joy of having this tune permanently etched in your brain (as I have for the past 3 days while writing this). 

“You’ll have to excuse me, I’m not at my best.  I’ve been gone for 3 weeks, I’ve been drunk since I left. These so-called vacations will soon be my death, I’m so sick from the drink I need home for a rest.”
We arrived at the airport and Prince puked up in
The aisle of the plane, this is how we begin.
We drove to the Island the very next day,
Thank God Prince didn’t puke the rest of the way.
You’ll have to excuse me, I’m not at my best.  I’ve been gone for a week, I’ve been drunk since I left. And these so-called vacations will soon be my death; I’m so sick from the drink, I need home for a rest. Take me home!”
On the Island it wasn’t so bad,
Aside from the bugs and the bad cold I had.
But my Dad brought some Rum and it cleared up my head
And I managed to sleep, despite Prince in my bed.
You’ll have to excuse me, I’m not at my best.  I’ve been gone for a week, I’ve been drunk since I left. And these so-called vacations will soon be my death; I’m so sick from the drink, I need home for a rest. Take me home!”
Back in Hali we had so much to do,
Bachelorettes, birthday dinners, riding Theadore Too,
Spent my days at the lake, but when the sun went down,
Every night we went out for some drinks on the town.
You’ll have to excuse me, I’m not at my best.  I’ve been gone for 3 weeks, I’ve been drunk since I left. And these so-called vacations will soon be my death; I’m so sick from the drink, I need home for a rest. Take me home!”
As a grand finale, Dory tied the knot
Her wedding was great but we all drank alot
So I’m back at home with a hangover now
And I have to look after my two boys somehow*
You’ll have to excuse me, I’m not at my best.  I’ve been gone for 3 weeks, I’ve been drunk since I left. And these so-called vacations will soon be my death; I’m so sick from the drink, I need home for a rest. Take me home!”


*Disclaimer:  These song lyrics may have been embellished slightly for humorous (and rhyming) effect.  Please do not base any judgements on my parenting (or drinking) abilities based on this post.  

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